søndag, august 29, 2010

Ny teknologi - hvis vi gidder

Jeg gjør oppmerksom på en vitenskapelig artikkel; Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide as Ocean Bicarbonate (Rau, Caldeira 2006) som tydeligvis har gått under radaren til Statoil og andre som opererer med svindyre og urealistiske måter å drive karbonfangst på.


Fossil fuels will likely remain the world's primary energy source for the foreseeable future. Practical and safe means of lowering the associated CO2 emissions are therefore needed to avoid potentially catastrophic climate and environmental impacts. The ocean should not be ignored in assessing both CO2 effects and mitigation options. Accelerated weathering of limestone (AWL) is a candidate technology that could significantly contribute to lowering CO2 emissions as well as to chemically mitigating the effects of ocean acidification. Our research has shown that contacting flue gas (from fossil fuel combustion) with seawater and limestone presents a simple, low-tech way of spontaneously reacting CO2 out of waste gas streams to form a bicarbonate-rich solution via the reaction: CO2 + CaCO3 + H2O <--> Ca2+ + 2HCO3-. (An analogous seawater process is already commercially used in some locations to remove flue gas SOx.) Our modeling studies show that disposing of the resulting calcium bicarbonate-rich solution in the ocean would provide effective, long-term carbon sequestration. It would also add carbonate alkalinity, thus countering the effects of CO2-caused ocean acidification on corals, shellfish, and other calcifying marine organisms. AWL reactors could be optimized for carbon storage or for mitigation of ocean acidification. Experiments have shown that seawater can tolerate >18x saturation before calcium carbonate precipitation is chemically initiated. It is therefore unlikely that once AWL effluent is in the ocean that degassing of some residual CO2 would lead to a reversal of the above reaction and subsequent carbonate precipitation. It is proposed that the cost, safety, impacts, and effectiveness of AWL be further evaluated as a means of mitigating CO2 from point sources, and of reducing the loss of marine calcification.


Dog tydeligvis ikke interessant nok for drømmemaskinen Oljå AS.

Forøvrig så må det kanskje nevnes at selv om karbonfangst iverksettes (i motsetning til å være en propaganda-ide), så vil det være urealistisk å tro at karbonfangst alene vil kunne gi store nok kutt til å snu utviklingen mot en total "runaway" drivhuseffekt som vi jobber hardt med å forårsake idag.

2 kommentarer:

kurt sa...

Men Helge, du må ikke glemme at Norge satser på å tjene store penger på å pumpe CO2 som gass ned i reservoarene våre. Både for å pumpe opp mer olje, og rett og slett for å lure Europa for noen milliarder for å bruke våre reservoar!

Nemo sa...

Hehe, jo det er nettopp en slik strategi jeg er klar over! Oljenæringen og politikerne er petroholikere, og blendet av oljepengene. I så stor grad faktisk, at jeg neppe tror noen norsk regjering i overskuelig fremtid vil kunne satse på annet enn placebotiltak.